Secrets of ordinary things

There are many strange and incomprehensible things in human history. Next to the usual, accessible to everyone's understanding, there are things that can turn our understanding of the universe. And this applies not only to something initially secret and mystical - for example, the pyramids or Stonehenge. Most of the things familiar to modern man, upon careful study, turn out to be not what they seem at first glance. They have their own secret, full of mysteries, history.

Linen fabric - the unusualness of the familiar

What could be more familiar than linen textiles? She makes nice underwear. It is great for cool summer suits and pleasant-looking and touching bedding. Souvenirs and kitchen accessories are made from flax. Right now, looking around, you can find many familiar and irreplaceable things from such a familiar and ordinary fabric.

If we look deeper into the issue...

The unique properties that are attributed to, or that linen has, have ensured its popularity for many millennia. Many religious movements, over the centuries, have given linen textiles special, mystical properties.

Origin unknown...

The homeland of flax, a plant valuable enough for humanity, has not yet been accurately identified. Linen fabrics were actively used both in Ancient Egypt and in Ancient India. There is evidence that the first to specifically grow and cultivate this plant began during the Stone Age. And what is possible, the most ancient settlements where this plant was cultivated were located on the territory of present-day Switzerland.

For what purpose the ancient tillers cultivated flax is unknown. After all, flax does not have clearly expressed nutritional properties. Yes, it is used in the modern food industry as a source of vegetable fat. But limited. And the difficulties associated with the process of its cultivation, collection and processing cast doubt on the appropriateness of such a choice. Especially in ancient times, with inefficient agriculture. After all, then it was impossible to afford an experiment - let's try, suddenly something valuable will work out.

The history of use is unique…

For thousands of years, linen fabric has not been used as a material for tailoring. Flax was a symbol of power - earthly and spiritual. Thin, strong, elegant - it was not an element of clothing.

In Ancient Egypt, it was linen fabric that was used for the burial of the pharaohs. And after thousands of years, modern archaeologists are surprised to find the mummified remains of the rulers of the ancient world, wrapped in fabrics that have retained most of their properties.

The priests of Ancient Greece wore only linen clothes - a symbol of purity and closeness to the gods. Later, this tradition was adopted by Christian priests from all over the world.

And by the way, the Shroud of Turin, known throughout the Christian world, is also made of linen.

Linen, under various names, appears in many myths and legends. It was for linen that the Argonauts set off on their dangerous journey. They called it the golden fleece and sailed to Colchis, a place famous in those days for the choice of linen fabrics. And the name golden fleece fell into legend because in those days flax was valued much more than gold.

Currently irreplaceable...

Flax in the modern world is a source of many familiar and irreplaceable things. Linen fabric is used to make delicate and refined linen. Its properties allow you to sew warm winter clothes and cool summer suits. Linen produces excellent quality and elegant home textiles. Many original decorative accessories and decorations are also made of this material.

But everything is not limited to textiles ...

It is impossible to list all the branches of human activity in which flax will necessarily be present. You can try to guess where it is not used. But, most likely, here we will fail.

Flax is present in the food and chemical industries. It is used in medicine and engineering. Even construction and metallurgy could not do without it.

So, seemingly ordinary, unremarkable plant material, slowly conquered the whole world. Penetrated into almost all spheres of our lives. At times, it was valued more than the finest jewels. And at the same time, he managed to be considered something simple and ordinary. 

What to sew from linen, read HERE.