Windows are the eyes with which your home looks out into the outside world. With which the soul of your home perceives the environment and is perceived by others. All the good things that penetrate your home depend on how carefully, thoughtfully and effectively decorated the windows.
Different cultures have developed different ways of decorating windows - curtains, tulle, blinds. All of them, in addition to clear practicality, carried an element of decor, performed an aesthetic function, which was mandatory when decorating a living space. Lambrequins are one of the elements of decorative window decoration used in combination with curtains.
Lambrequins - history of origin and popularity
Initially, lambrequins were used to decorate beds, not windows. The large 15th century beds in the cold, poorly heated chateau bedrooms were separated from the rest of the room by a fabric fence. This fence had not only functional, but also aesthetic value. The piece of fabric that adorned the junction of the canopy hanging over the bed, which plays the role of the ceiling, and the fabric walls, was the prototype of the first lambrequins.
Life changed, architectural tastes changed, large windows became fashionable. There was a need for their decoration. In modern interior design, lambrequins are used to solve the following tasks:
- decorating cornices, hiding assembly flaws, etc .;
- impact on the visual perception of the size and shape of the room, hiding flaws in the proportions of the room, window opening, ceiling, etc .;
- decoration of a room, window opening, creation of a colorful, "rich", solemn background.
A variety of materials and shapes allows you to widely use lambrequins in interior design, solving a variety of tasks. That provides them with great, not fading popularity.
Lambrequins - types
The following types of lambrequins are widely used in a modern interior:
- hard;
- soft;
- openwork;
- combined.
Each type has its own functional and aesthetic characteristics. That allows you to choose a lambrequin that best matches the nuances of interior design.
Hard lambrequins
This option is ideal if you intend to visually increase the height of the room. It is a rigid frame covered with fabric and decorated with braid and frills.
A characteristic feature of this type is the complexity of caring for it. Rigid lambrequins are not intended for machine washing and require careful manual cleaning from dust and dirt.
Soft lambrequins
The easiest option in design and maintenance. It is a bright, dense piece of fabric - most often a curtain. It is used to create a variety of visual effects. Different automatic wash modes are available depending on the material used.
Openwork lambrequins
A sophisticated, fashionable, elegant product - with its unique ornaments providing a spectacular view of the window. Capable of giving a variety of design solutions uniqueness and originality. Openwork lambrequins are made from a variety of materials - different density, hardness. Installed using special fasteners - Velcro, fasteners, etc.
Combined lambrequins
Design that takes all the best from hard and soft types of pelmets. They are distinguished by their spectacular appearance and ease of maintenance. They include, in varying proportions, elements of their soft and hard materials. Ideal for large window openings in spacious rooms.
Individual interior design with the help of specialists
A well-designed interior is the main condition for the formation of a harmonious atmosphere in the room. Residential, office or retail - with the appropriate design, it will have a beneficial effect on everything that happens in it. Window decoration is an important element of the overall interior design. The tools at the disposal of a modern designer allow you to create the right atmosphere, emphasize community and individuality, and charge it with positive emanations.
Atelier IDEIA will help to realize your wildest wishes in terms of interior decoration of windows. The company's consultants will help you decide on the choice that best suits your plans. The assortment available to the company's customers will allow you not to hold back the flight of your imagination. Contact us and the IDEIA studio will help you bring your ideas to life.