The value of curtains of all kinds in human life is difficult to overestimate. However, their impact on human history remains little known. But this topic is a wonderful treasure trove for research.
Nowadays, curtains are an element of decor, which, in addition, serves to protect your privacy from prying eyes. But this was not always the case.
Suppose that the first curtains we hear about in history - the skins of slaughtered animals that protect the cave from the cold - were never invented. We have little information about that historical period, but the probability that humanity would not survive the ice age increases significantly.
Suppose that skins played a role, humanity survived, but the skins never became curtains. In the Middle Ages, as long as feudal lords hid in castles, where instead of loophole windows, while windows in the houses of wealthy but ordinary people were closed with a not very transparent bull bubble or matte thin paper - at that time it would not matter much.
But the benefits of glass would not be appreciated in the window. Just imagine your homes without glass windows! Glassware would remain expensive jewelry. Can you imagine a trip by car without clear glass windows? And the flight on a plane?
Thank God, the history of mankind is the only right way - those that have curtains and blinds. And we offer to appreciate this comfortable and beautiful element of an interior of your house.