Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm
Code: 8-11998
845.00 UAH
785.85 UAH
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 1
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 2
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 3
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 4
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 5
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 6
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 7
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 8
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 9
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 10
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 11
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 12
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 13
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 1
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 2
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 3
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 4
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 5
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 6
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 7
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 8
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 9
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 10
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 11
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 12
Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm, фото 13
dry cleaning is prohibited
ironing is prohibited
delicate drum drying at a low temperature of 60 degrees
washing 95
bleaching is prohibited

Mattress Aqua Stop with an elastic band on perimeter IDEIA 90х200х23 cm

Code: 8-11998
845.00 UAH
785.85 UAH
Reviews (2)
Shipping and payment
  • Size, cm 90*200
  • Color білий
  • Country of origin Україна
  • Fabric Махрове полотно/водонепроникна мембрана
  • Composition 100%бавовна
* IDEIA.UA online store operates in accordance with the Law of Ukraine on Consumer Protection. According to the Law, home textiles in our range are not exchangeable or refundable, provided they are not defective. Warning! The color and hue may vary depending on the monitor settings (brightness, contrast, saturation), and lighting.

AQUA-STOP waterproof mattress cover is an aesthetic protection of your mattress from various troubles. This is a durable, beautiful and inexpensive product. Its use will preserve the appearance and original properties of the mattress, extend the period of its active operation.

Mattress cover AQUA-STOP is an advantageous offer of the Ukrainian manufacturer of home textiles. It is soft, pleasant to the touch, as simple as possible to use, easy to put on and take off, does not rustle. The mattress cover has a nice pure white color. Due to the fact that it can withstand high washing temperatures, it maintains whiteness for the entire period of operation. It is made of high quality materials, arranged in two layers:

  • top layer - terry fiber (cotton);
  • bottom - waterproof membrane fabric.

Both layers are hypoallergenic and antibacterial. They are resistant to various contaminants. Easy to wash - the mattress cover can be washed in a washing machine at a temperature of 90? They do not absorb odors. They dry well in natural conditions.

The AQUA-STOP mattress topper breathes. This guarantees natural air circulation. It will protect the mattress from leaks, from possible troubles in the form of blooms, etc. Makes sleeping comfortable.

Mattress topper AQUA-STOP - ideal for home use:

  • when there are small children in the house;
  • when caring for a sick or elderly relative;
  • in a number of other cases (recreational establishments, etc.).

The product is easy to use. The elastic border around the perimeter of the mattress cover simplifies the process of putting on / taking off and provides the maximum level of protection for an expensive mattress - not only on top, but also on the sides. There is a large selection of sizes - allowing you to choose a model for any mattress.


The maximum level of protection. AQUA-STOP will protect the mattress from a variety of troubles. It is simple, beautiful, soft and durable. Its design - a board around the entire perimeter and the quality of the fabric - a delicate terry cloth and a waterproof membrane, provides the maximum level of protection against moisture, dirt, and mechanical damage.

Safe, pleasant to look and feel materials. The AQUA-STOP mattress pad is made of materials approved by European standards. They do not cause allergic reactions, cannot be a habitat for various microorganisms, and are easily and simply cleaned. Their quality is confirmed by a European level certificate - OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100.

Affordable price, easy maintenance. The AQUA-STOP mattress topper is manufactured by a Ukrainian company using high-performance modern equipment from high-quality and inexpensive materials. It has an affordable price and is designed for washing in a machine.

Олена Мельничук

Наматрацник TM IDEIA 180х200 ідеально підійшов під розмір матрацу. На дотик наматрацник шелестить, а коли лежиш - шелест зникає і його не відчуваєш. Раджу всім обов'язково мати цю річ, якщо хочеш мати охайний матрац!

Елена Фролова

Я дуже задоволена цією покупкою! Враження пишу через вісім місяців від придбання. За цей час, ясна річ, чого лише не траплялося у ліжку. Мами знають. То щось проллється, то щось розкришиться, то щось розмажеться. Одне діло прати білизну, а от інша річ тримати у чистоті матрац, адже це теж важливо, в першу чергу задля здоров’я малюка. Тож, від початку, у першу необхідну партію товарів я купляла також і наматрацник. Ця покупка себе виправдовує на 100%! Матрац лишається як новий, якщо і стається якась “аварія”, то міняю комплект білизни та перу наматрацник. Він досить швидко сохне і дійсно не пропускає всередину воду. Дуже корисна штука, рекомендую. Просто мусить бути в кожному домі з малюком.

Convenient payment methods for your order:

  1. Prepayment via bank details to the current account.

  2. Online payment using a bank card through payment system WayforPay.

  3. Payment upon receipt of the goods with cash on delivery. Please note that choosing this option may involve an additional fee for refunding money, which is calculated based on the carrier company.